

The success of a business can be traced back to its leaders. Edwin H. Friedman said, “Leadership can be thought of as a capacity to define oneself to others in a way that clarifies and expands a vision of the future.” It is important to recognize the positive and effective attributes in each leader, but it is also important to be aware of obstacles that may be looming in the distance. Successful leadership develops over time, and can only be improved when business leaders know how to diagnose and treat leadership inhibitors. Here are the seven deadly sins of leadership:

Rushing through the hiring process.

Without taking the proper amount of time to hire employees, companies run the risk of wasting time, effort, and money on someone who was never qualified for a position in the first place.

Assuming that your employees know the company goals, objectives and purpose.

Even if your company has implemented an impressive strategic plan, it is worthless unless it is understood and embraced at all levels.

Failure to develop your team’s skills.

Failing to develop your people’s talents through appropriate training is a waste of resources. By investing in employees, companies are investing in their future success. Training ensures that employees will succeed.

Forgetting to evaluate business activities.

You should continually assess the activities of your business. These activities should be tracked to assess effectiveness as well as efficiency. Being able to quantify your successes makes it easier to set goals and to motivate employees with concrete data.

Holding back feedback.

Just as you must evaluate your business activities, you should also evaluate employees on a regular basis. Constructive feedback is necessary to produce good performance and to help employee career development.

Assuming that you’re doing a great job.

Assuming that your customers are satisfied simply because you have not received complaints is not necessarily an accurate barometer.

Failing to constantly market your business.

Failing to understand the relationship between marketing and sales can be detrimental to any organisation. Even businesses with excellent sales forces should actively market themselves.


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